Know the Weather Forecast When You Start Your Day

This website looks up the National Weather Service's forecast for your approximate location and, for your convenience, emails it to you each day at a time you choose (subject to forecast availability). Each email may include one small advertisement.

A service of the U.S. Census Bureau is used to convert your street address to your approximate latitude and longitude.

Service Outage Starting January 27, 2025

I recently became aware of an intermittent problem that, when present, prevents this website from correctly handling "unsubscribe" requests.

I don't have enough time right now to diagnose and fix the problem.

I am therefore suspending this website's operations until I do have enough time to fix it.

Daily weather emails will not go out until such time as I am able to resume the website's operations.

Any current user who wishes to have their email address manually removed from this website's database can request that I do so by replying to any of the emails that this website has already sent out or by making the request via this website's "contact" form.

Thank you for your interest in and for your understanding. — George Hill